What is your take on “sunday catholics” – I would love to hear from you.

I believe many of us heard something along this theme. By tweaking certain words, this can apply to any denomination – hence the lower case letters and parentheses “sunday catholics”.

Sunday Catholics

Some of us are not even “sunday catholics” – it would seem.

I am a Sunday Catholic – to church once a week and sometimes missing even that. But I do pray twice daily – without fail – the discipline helps to keep me grounded in my belief.



My Blog Pick for April 2013



  1. I’ve never been Catholic and am not that familiar with it – I was raised Southern Baptist. I do believe Christians thrive and grow their faith in a community of believers, however, I bristle when asked if I am “religious.” I don’t like the man-created aspects of religion, and I despise hypocrisy, which I have encountered more than once in my spiritual journey.

    1. I agree – I too don’t like “man-created” aspects. Many surround themselves with rituals and pomp – unaware that they walk further from His shadow.

      Peace, Eric

  2. Wow Eric…this is a topic near and dear but I’ll try to stay brief. I grew up Catholic like a lot of folks here. The church was a great source of comfort and stability during real turbulent times in my life and for that I’m grateful. The first time I realized there might be more than one door to the house of heaven was sitting in an Air Force chapel early in my career after mass. I wanted to take a little extra time to pray and as I did, I watched the Jesus on the Cross rotate around and then there was a Cross with no Jesus for the next service! Hmmm. I tried to stay with Catholicism and organized religion in general but for too many reasons to list here, I found myself to be the round peg trying to fit into a square hole. So many masses/church services of other denominations (I tried most of them!) I attended seemed more like funerals than celebrations. People sang like zombies (often I was the only one singing loudly, with heart and joy, many came late to mass and sometimes left before the priest even was ready to depart (one priest actually called people out about this – way to go!) Churches have become more about business and keeping followers than focusing on feeding the spirit. I no longer fly under any one religion because I’ve realized that when you focus on one thing, like wearing blinders, you miss all the rest of the scenery! So many nuggets of truth in positive paths of faith! I have found true freedom as a Pagan/Heathen as some would call me! Anyhew…bottom line with the topic (finally right?!) I think a lot of Catholics/Christians “should all over themselves” about attending church. They were brought up to go and even as adults, clinging to the familiar, still go even if their hearts aren’t in it and sometimes force their kids into the same thing. Spirituality, not religion is what I think people need and once we get of religion and it’s labels we will all truly be able to come together as brothers and sisters….world peace. Just my take on this…pretty brief for me Eric! 😛

    1. Interestingly I’ve received comments only from “Christians” and not one from people professing other faiths. Perhaps I should have made this clearer – I thought I did with “sunday catholics”, but oh, well.

      I’m with the Catholic Church but am ready and willing to consider all other viewpoints – as long as no one tries to shove anything down my throat. I also respect each person’s right to their particular beliefs – or ‘non’belief’ as the case might be.

      For me, to grow in faith is exactly that – “to grow”. If I found “the answer” – that’s great, but I know that in time I’ll find a greater answer.

      It all leads eventually to greater spirituality, I reckon.

      1. I’m sorry Eric – saw the title and just started writing. I’m with you on your points here and from how you write and what you write about, figured you were an opened minded sort. I hope I didn’t offend you or anyone else posting on this.

      2. My dear Saymber,

        First off, no need to apologise. You did not offend anyone – certainly not me 🙂

        You are very welcome to state your views and beliefs. This is your inalienable right and all the more as your words displayed decorum and respect for the views of others. This is all I ask of my commenters – as my blog attracts people of all faiths and even those who do not subscribe to any faith.

        Fret not my dear, and you’re welcome to continue to share your views here.

        Peace and blessings,

  3. “…know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?”

    I love this thought and this relationship with god that we are one and in constant contact.

    It is not just a “Sunday” affair but the choices we make in our daily walk.

    Blessings to you and your family always.

    1. Very true Jasey and thank you for this reminder – the temple or church resides within.

      True Faith transcends rituals – rituals which help us grow in our Faith, no doubt, but not an end in themselves – and hinges on the “choices” we make in our daily lives.

      Peace and blessings to you and your loved ones,

  4. With unyielding faith, and a true pure heart, everyday, and every person, and everywhere is a church!

  5. I don’t know Eric.

    The Catholics I know who rarely attend church always say that they don’t bother going to church because they can worship God just as well in nature. The Sunday Catholics say pretty much the same but have a bit more energy or a bit stricter conscience. It is probably true that you can worship God equally well, but that misses the main purpose of church I think. We worship, yes, but it is also a gathering of a family. Being together at church is the opportunity we have to take care of each other, to love each other. I spend four hours at church every Sunday and did that before I was the pastor’s husband. I went early and stayed late. We always had coffee hour or lunch together, whoever could stay. We were a family and a closer one than many biological families I know. Perhaps the Catholic church has lost that dimension of what it means to be a Christian? I don’t know, but the community of the church is central to my life. They aren’t always my good friends, but they are always my brothers and sisters.

    So that’s my 2 cents worth.

    Blessings on you, Eric, and your family.

    1. Well,

      First off, though the title says “sunday catholics” this does not refer literally to “Sunday Catholics” – though many commenters took it as such.

      You are right about coming together to worship as community. There could be socio-historical reasons for this and also because He did say “…where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” One can take His words literally or expand on it (pun intended).

      You are right about that differentiation you make between “friends” and “brothers and sisters” in Christ.

      Peace and blessings,

  6. Church (The Building and Man Made Institutions complete with micro politics ascending to Political) is a hard thing for me to interact with on a religious level.

    God has inscribed in His Holy scripture that He is to be worshiped in Spirit and Truth and that we should love Him with all our heart, soul, and mind. I believe that for a great many worshippers they do so as a religious sacrament or a work they hope to be recognized as deserving of grace. But the just shall live by faith and shall worship and attend service out of a genuine response to the love of God that has touched their lives through the offering of grace by way of Christ life, death, and resurrection.

    The evolution of my faith has been one of a short catholic upbringing from my German mother. My Jewish Father had none to do with his religion or hers, he was a rogue with faith. My faith begun by what God could do for me, than progressed to what I could do for God, soon to turn into what I could do for myself, then to come to What Christ has done for me. Any appearance of sacrament in my life, any good, any appearance of religion, I would hope is my genuine response to this grace that is alive working in me. This grace and spirit of God Christ described as being His Church. No longer a building, but a heart of many and millions who worship Christ in Truth…

    I attend regularly and interact with community for my own spiritual growth and perfection

    1. Thank you for your sharing Reno,

      I too attend church regularly – though I miss some Sundays – and I too interact with community.

      All good wishes,

  7. I am a Christian, I believe in God, I never go to church, I never speaks of God where only very rarely, because I think that this story is between me and God.
    God bless you 🙂

  8. I confess, I am not even a Sunday catholic. I don’t go to church, but I try to be a good person and treat others as I want to be treated. I don’t know if there is a heaven but I believe that there is a hell. I guess I’ll find out one day, because we’re not getting out of this alive.

    Happy Easter, Eric.

    1. Susan dear,

      Therein lies the greatest of acts – “to treat others as I want to be treated” – and in my opinion everything else pales in comparison.

      A blissful Easter,

    1. Oh Noeleen,

      When you say, “hate” I know you don’t mean it literally but point taken.

      “Everyday” living our faith is the way, I agree.

      Peace, Eric

  9. Like another of your posters above I am a recovering Catholic and have been for thirty years. My beliefs are more closely aligned with Deism, but even they do not entirely meet. I do not and will not ever again allow ‘mans church’ to dictate to me my spiritual well-being or the path.

  10. I must say that in my idle youth I did not value Christianity, but over the years I’ve learned that the Bible principles I’ve discovered impress and satisfy me more than any creed man has dreamed up.

    1. Thank you Ian,

      You’re right. We need to differentiate between principles and practises and most creeds dreamt up by man, suffer the test of time.

      Peace, Eric

  11. I was baptized, I am told, and I then went to mass at the prescribed times with my family. My Father and Mother saw themselves as ‘practicing Catholics’ because of this regularity with which they frequented the rituals. My sense of religion has, over the years, shifted away from interest in any of the institutions that carry the title of “religious”. I have, at times, found ministers, priests and rituals that inspired me, however I presently enjoy my own freestyle worship that resembles more a zen-like reverence for all of life. I am most fulfilled when I am able to feel this reverence pervading all my waking hours, as it every so often does. Thanks for the question! ☼ tomas ♥

  12. Raised and confirmed Catholic to age 13, interspersed with foster homes (Dad was A Sagittarian travelin’ man) of the Protestant persuasion, introduced to the Bible, then “unequally yoked” in faith by my partner, became ill, and wanted to know why. I returned to university after a career as an accountant, and reached for something more through the book store’s section on astrology. I wanted more meaning than simply going to church and listening to “sermons”. I took the scriptural advice to “Ask, seek, and knock”, learned the astrology, numerology and their healing sciences from various cultures (India’s Ayurvedic Sciences of Life), and believe that the organized churches, synagugues, mosques, etc., are for those who do not want to ask, seek, and knock for something higher spiritually than what they are fed. Through the study of astrology and numerology I have come to understand the concepts and sciences of of “magnetism”. The number of one’s name during particular age stages, is what guides one’s energy through one’s “identity”. One’s identity is the first and fourth house in astrology. The first house or rising sign at birth for me is Sagittarius (9th house of the astro chart symbolizing higher education, higher spiritual thought, foreign countries, and large animals). My career, how I made money, and my unconscious were transformed by the astrological transits of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, through their various timing in those areas of my life.

    I have studied formally the histories of all the major countries and the wars whereby one religion is destroyed and replaced by that of the victorious. Therefore, socialization and war tell us what and how to “worship”. It is up to each of us to go beyond what organized religions tell us is the way. I will not step foot in an organized religious facility because the cosmos has transformed me, and I have transcended the need for others telling me how to worship and what to worship.

    Getting in touch with the spiritual energies of nature, the changing seasons created by the sun, and the various energies of the planets other cultures call “gods”, which are cosmic energies that have a mathematical timing in each of our lives and experiences is the most awakening experience one can experience. All one has to do is to obtain one’s birth chart for location, day, time and year of birth. Research each planetary aspect in one’s chart (Planets in Transit by Robert Hand), and it will show one why one is the way one is and the changes that will occur. This study goes to the inner most part of one’s soul and is positively confirming. If one is relocated to another location from place of birth, then the next study would be on that chart.

    I have found that all religions are based on the astronomical synchronicities and seasons of every country. The movement of the earth around the sun, one’s geographical location, and the various cosmic timing’s for cultural transformation whether a culture wants it or not, can be followed through the dates corresponding to astrology (for both individual, town, nation, based on the time of birth when available).

    I do not mean to offend any organized religion, for it serves its organized purpose for those who don’t desire to ask seek and to knock.

    I enjoy what you have to say.

    1. Hello La Vern

      Your first comment on my blog – and what a write up 🙂 It’s welcomed of course, as long as they are your thoughts. You see, I have a thing about people copying and pasting some dead guy’s words.

      I respect and share many of your views expressed here and especially your view that there is a place in the lives of many for “organized religions” as you refer to it – and I read your words with all positivity.

      Life is a journey with many steps and obstacles from which we draw for spiritual nourishment and growth, I reckon.

      Peace, Eric

      1. Thank you for your reply. I’m 66, and have been spiritual all of my life. There is more than meets the common person’s eye, but that is the journey, to move from darkness to light. Great Blessings

  13. We are all gifted with free will to decide where our church lies. Seems to me dear Eric that your church lies elsewhere than in bricks and mortar.

    Who are you trying to impress once a week? Do you consider yourself one of the ‘faithful’? How do you act on the other 6 days? Love David.

    1. David,

      Yes, like many, I believe “church” is much more than mortar and bricks.

      You ask relevant questions – questions that beg reflection by all, I reckon.

      Peace Bro,

  14. I am not a Sunday Catholic, I am a lapsed Catholic. I very rarely go to a church anymore now that my children are grown and flown. I go at Christmas, wedding funerals and Christenings. I am however an everyday Christian, I always try to be a good person, kind helpful and caring of others. I pray every day at all different times .

    I remember when I was younger my Father who was an everyday Catholic, as was my Mum, told me that some people act like pigs all week being nasty or beating their wives or children they stumble into Church Sunday looking their best then over the road in to the pub.

    No I am not a Sunday Catholic I am an every day Christian… I hope.

    1. “No, I am not a Sunday Catholic I am an every day Christian…”

      These words draw me – they resonate with humility and correct living. In literary circles we have a cliché which might be apt here > Show, don’t tell.

      Peace dear, I’ve always enjoyed your blog posts,

  15. I used to be “Sunday Catholic”. I didn’t start out that way, was very involved in RCIA and other ministries but because of frequent moves I became a “SC”.

    But during all this time something was missing. I was feeling very constricted in my expression of worship. After changing denominations I now know that I had placed the Holy Spirit in a straight jacket, I did not allow the Holy Spirit to move or guide me during Mass and in all other areas of my life.

    Now I truly understand the teachings and consciously made the decision to make God the driving force behind all my actions and day to day living.
    I am so joy filled, happy and satisfied with my life now.

    Sunday Catholics have no idea of what they are missing!

    1. Hello Sonja, first comment on my blog. Thank you.

      It’s lovely that you found God.

      “Sunday Catholics have no idea of what they are missing!”

      No doubt, you wish for them the same happiness you found.

      Peace, Eric

  16. I was raised Catholic. However, throughout my life I’ve come to learn that my relationship with God is apparent in everything I do and with everything I experience. God’s presence is also apparent in my relationships, sometimes I may have to look a little harder, but it is there. The point I make is this, I think what’s in your heart and how you live everyday, and your personal relationship with God and the cultivation of this relationship through prayer and reflection, is more important than how many times we make it to church or how many times we make it to commmunion. This is not to diminish the beauty and power of these sacraments, but I have seen people go to communion and half way down the street forget the unity and the christ in their hearts by their actions. They do not have a relationship with God to speak of, but certainly plenty of “lip service.”
    Have a wonderful Easter Eric.

    1. You are so right,

      I’ve come across some who are quick to quote something or other from their holy book – and it stops there!

      Trust the Easter weekend has been a joyous one for you too.

      Peace, Eric

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