1. I’ve seen people reshape nails with a hammer so they can be used again. Because they are bent and rusty doesn’t mean they are useless. This is deep and really has me wondering who the nails in my life are. I hope they feel my gratitude!

    1. Very true. Twisted nails can be straightened with tender loving work and rusty nails polsihed to sheen. You’ve given yet another thought for all of us.

    1. As it is with any beautiful person.

      When supported, people’s love and beauty shines through.

      Peace, Eric
      P/s That was very lovely, what you did for your friend Jeannie 🙂

    1. That is very high compliment Selasie.

      There are many nails holding us up in Blogsville and if I am one, that is because your generosity sees me as such – and I thank you.

      Peace, Eric

  2. Powerful metaphor, Eric. Kinda leaves you hangin’, makes you think of your role, your own function in this big world. Hangin in there….

    1. Can’t disagree there – some parents suck and ruin the lives of their children. In this phrase, one can replace the word ‘parents’ with others…

    1. Thank you Christy for your thoughts, which hold true.

      All of us have been nails, walls, hammers and portraits/mirrors at one time or the other – some, most times one and not the other.

      Peace, Eric
      (P/s I borrowed the metaphors of wall and hammer from David Tenn who posted his comment earlier)

  3. very thoughtful piece Eric =) you can just see how much thought and creativity you coax out of your followers through your comments =) my nails support me strongly and hopefully I am also their nail and since they are mine, i polish and display them proudly =) Hope you are feeling much better now =) Take care, Que

    1. Thank you Que,

      I provide the condiments and readers cook up their own dishes – many are masterful chefs

      Peace, Eric
      (P/s – Yes, I am fully recovered and thank you for asking)

  4. Beautifully crafted with intense thought.. a wonderful metaphor used.Perhaps nail is the one on whom we can always rely for anything in our life. The nail gets nailed up,beaten,still has that much resistance and endurance to be as stronger as ever. It is the quality of a nail that it can withhold strong pressures and punches, and can balance a much weightier thing on it..

  5. Nice one Eric. For me the nail is the partnership between self and spirit, both of which like the nail are discarded at life’s end. The mirror that reflects and holds every image is the Soul that continues throughout eternity. The partnership can produce a distorted nail, but the perfect nail itself is the choice of the Soul that chooses whether and where to place a mirror. The hammer is the way we live, the way we mess up, or not. Love David

    1. Hello David – I keep ending up in your friend Angel Messenger’s weblog but shall try again…

      I read your comment with a Wow! I re read it three or more times. You really set me thinking, the way you gave life and meaning to the various props employed > nail, mirror and of course, the hammer and the wall.

      How the nail twists, depends on where (the type of wall) we decide to drive the nail – this is powerful medicine Bro.
      The hammer – the choices we make in life – more power
      Then, you pull all these into a coherent – self, spirit and soul

      Wonderful and thoughtful sharing. Thank you very much for this 🙂

    1. Absolutely right! You see, you always say that you’re silly but this is one of the wisest things I’ve heard all day. Luv and hugz to clever Steph 🙂

  6. True enough. I feel gratitude of my parents who bring me up, and I wish to show my appreciation to them by working freelance and provide them financially. But my husband seems to view it differently. He wants to me to stay at home.
    Before marriage, I had told him earlier I would prefer to work since my parents are helping though engaging a maid.
    Now, I work freelance at home though as a housewife who stay at home.

  7. I have had some pretty amazing nails i must say …they have been the driving force of my life too..inspiring and encouraging all the while staying behind and giving me the support and the push whenever i needed them…..
    What a lovely take on nails Eric..loved it

    1. Thank you Soma.

      I know that one does not usually associate nails as something worthy of mention…that in itself is a metaphor.

      I’m very sure you’re holding up many around you too.

      All good wishes, Eric

    1. Hey, Sharmishtha 🙂

      Just saw your comment come in. Yes, I am well thank you.

      We are nails and also have nails holding us up.

      In my family, I would not know what I would do without my wife Lisa.

      All luv and peace to you dear, Eric 🙂

      1. yes. i have had some sturdy nails in my life but fortunately i hold them with gratitude in my heart. i think i would have gone insane without them.

    1. I could have said, behind every successful man there is a woman…but it is so pedestrian.

      When you transform her into a nail…perhaps we can feel her pain, how she is beaten down, how age bents her, how she remains in the shadows…and when the time comes, he yanks her out and replaces her with a nice shiny new nail…this happens alot in Asian society and perhaps also in the west and Africa.

      Now, transform the nail into a mother or father…I think of this whenever I drive past old folks homes…

  8. Hmmm, interesting, I have never taken this view before, I really have to think about that. Love that you just made me think about who is the nail in my life and possibly who i am the nail for…

      1. Sometimes its hard to know what weighs heaviest on others, and without knowing it you give more than they can bear. Other times though, people know exactly what they are doing and intentionally try to abuse others

  9. Indeed it Is the silent nail who holds the mirror so that we can see ourselves better or holds a beautiful painting to cheer our dreary souls, but soon the rusty nail will be discarded, unnoticed. Sad but true.
    Nails are like a dime a dozen – your worth definitely is far beyond the price of a nail.

    1. Very true…and what if we are that nail? How many of our loved ones are our nails – to be discarded once they are bent and unable to bear the weight…

  10. For me, the nail is the inner person, or perhaps the character of an individual, which in turn determines the strength and longevity of the “nail”. If an individual’s character is weak/crooked, it cannot hold the mirror or painting of one’s life well, or for a long time; however, if one’s character is strong, then a person will have confidence in upholding one’s life to the outside world, and it will stand the test of time.

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