Many of you are aware of my request regarding comments – I welcome your Comments…yours please…not some borrowed quote.

Some people are fond of quoting some dead fellow as if that is the final word on the subject.

This is a little presumptuous, I reckon.

First, it assumes that others are ignorant of that dead fellow’s writing. Second, perhaps it is to impress others of how well read one is – if that is the intent – Hmmm. Third, the implication is, dead fellows are always right. Think flat world theory; bleeding a patient to cure him; earth, the centre of the universe; and many more fallacies that held sway until debunked.

Even now, there are many ‘flat world’ theories passed off as facts – all the more when spewed by some lettered luminary from a brand name institution.

Dead Wisdom

This is not to say every dead guy was wrong – far from it. Most of them are right. But only one thing is sure about ALL dead guys – they are dead!

I prefer to hear your voices, your thoughts.

What do you think?

************ Copyright @ Eric Alagan, 2013 ************


  1. Words of true wisdom never die, and often put a thought better and more aptly than we ourselves might. I like them as reminders when I lose my way, but I see no point in preaching them to others.

  2. Can I quote my Dad?

    “Shut up girl, how are you ever going to learn anything if you don’t listen and learn to think for yourself”!

    I always thought this was a very contradictory abonishment. I finally said so to him when I was around 13 years old. He just laughed and said, “See what I mean about thinking for yourself?”

    My dad passed in 2010.

    1. LOL! Val, my dear dear friend – of course you can quote your Dad 🙂

      And you’re right – that was contradictory! And your Dad was right – you listened (did not mean you agreed), learned and figured it out. Bravo!

      Considering the tumultuous life you’ve endured – bejesus, you done much better than most people. It hints of some subliminal strength, if you allow me to say so.

      All good wishes,
      P/s For a writer and gung-ho salesman – I get tongue tied responding to news of people’s passing away. My apologies (feeling awkward now)

      1. Oh do not be tongue tied. My dad lived a wonderfully full life, in his later years he married the love of his life and spent 20 years in bliss by her side. He passed 10 months after her passing. Though it was sad, it was also a choice. He was suffering from Alzheimers and had been managing very well with medications. After her passing, he stopped all medications. I was with him when he made that choice. I fought for his right to do so. He was 83 years old. I miss him to this day but I understood. He didn’t want to live with the destruction of his brilliant mind or without his heartmate.

      2. Oh, thank you my dear Val – thank you so very much for going out of your way to make me feel better – but that’s you, isn’t it 🙂

        Now that I know, I am happy for both of you. As I am a father to two daughters and a son – to be loved by children, is a gift.

        You’ve given much to and received much from your Dad, I reckon.

        Peace, luv and all good blessings,

  3. I once had an Econometrics professor who absolutely abhorred what he called “name dropping” — ie, citing the name of some important or renowned person to camouflage one’s lack of originality of thought. I learned a lot from him, and also learned this paradoxical humility, that in offering our personal observations, we bare ourselves open to critique, good or bad. In a way, your haiku and requested decorum for comments on your blog, remind me of my wise Econometrics professor, Eric.

    And in venturing to vocalize our own thoughts and feelings, we discover surprising things about ourselves.


    1. Hello Dee,

      I think you said it much better than me – and captured it well as “paradoxical humility”.

      Unfortunately, my post does come across as a little in-your-face, which was not my intention, I assure one and all. In this sense, as a so-called writer, I could have done better.

      And you’re so very right. I believe no discovery is greater than self-discovery, as it sets us on the path to humility and all else.

      Your posts and comments have always been uplifting for me – and again, you’ve succeeded.

      Peace and blessing, my treasured friend,

  4. Knowledge is like a tree… it starts with a tiny quest for information. As it is nourished with ideas, hypothesis, theories, tested, retested, the tree of knowledge grows. If you cut out the root; the beginning, the tree of knowledge will die. All we know today is based on that we learned yesterday.

    1. Very true, Steve.

      Past knowledge is a bridge that helps us journey towards tomorrow’s greater enlightenment. But some treat it as a destination and that’s when it becomes a barrier for progress.


  5. Everything we need for our world to survive is out there waiting to be found. Until we find cures for disease, we’ll continue to inject poison into each other. We’re a swift species!

  6. Hi Eric Sorry to answer your comment on your page , but due to trouble with wordpress I can’t get on to my page , or answer comments, or often I can’t even get on to other peoples pages either so I am saying here thank you for your comment on Gate\keeper :5 I am pleased you like it . I just hope I will be able to publish to day’s episode , as I say it is nearly impossible to use my account . It has been like this for nearly a week and seems to be affecting users in the UK!! 🙁 xxxx

    1. Hello Willow dear,

      Computer/WP glitches can be frustrating, I agree.

      Yes, I’ll pop over later to read the next installment. If it isn’t uploaded, not to worry, I shall check back.

      Peace my dear,

  7. I like that you request original thoughts/statements. Mainly this is because I can never remember quotes. I forget half of the quote, or who said it and I’m far too lazy to Google it in the name of impressing others 🙂

    1. LOL! Yes, that is good one – too lazy to look up Google but I’ll expend effort thinking up my own 🙂 You gave me a chuckle, Janna.

      All good wishes,

  8. Some surprising things have emerged from diggings in ancient civilization localities. Is It possible new knowledge is but re-discovered knowledge after all.

    1. Obviously, all knowledge already exists – and waiting to be discovered. Perhaps that is why it is called “know” and to give the “edge” – knowledge.

  9. Love this, Eric! I mean – unique. No-one’s even said it like this before. Some blogs are quote upon quote. Each to their own, but…

    Love how you said “some dead fellow as if that was it on the subject” 🙂 True!!

    1. Hello Noeleen,

      I’ve not said anything new, but am glad you found my words unique. That’s the theme of this post – propounding with our own words, rather than regurgitating. Along the way, as we explore, we uncover unique ideas even.

      To encapsulate: Saying what has been said before but in one’s own words. In the process, uncovering new thought.

      And it will never be the last word on that new thought —- 🙂

  10. I do agree Eric I do dislike smart arse people who spout sayings and maxims! Much better to use your own thoughts even if they are wrong!

    1. Hello Willow dear,

      Yes, that seems to be the general consensus here. I read quotes and try to use my own words while holding true to the original theme. Exhilirating exercise.

      Luv and peace,

  11. Quoting “Dead fellows” isn’t something you will get from me, I can barely remember peoples names not to mention their quotes. They just aren’t something I generally commit to memory. Great post Eric and I agree, I would rather here an individuals unique comment as opposed to a regurgitated quote from someone else.

    1. Good one, Dom – can’t even recall names, let alone what they said 🙂

      We are in agreement – how else would one get to know someone better. And if a person is unable to articulate something in their own words – a situation I find myself in sometimes – perhaps it’s best to remain silent.

      All good wishes,

  12. For some reason, this reminded me of the MMR jab.

    Some people, despite the absolute plethora of evidence to the contrary, still believe that the MMR jab causes autism.

    It just goes to show how hard it can be to get rid of false information once it’s out there or becomes popular.

    Same goes for the Dr. Spock incident. (Not the star trek character, but the child expert.)

    1. I love how you’ve expanded the discussion and especially as it stays within the theme – people blindly following something someone said.

      There are many who still believe the pyramids were built by slave labour and beasts of burden – as portrayed by Hollywood – although, it is a mathematical impossibility.

      Peace and all good wishes,

  13. going beyond fear
    just being nudely oneself
    difficult for some

    Thanks Eric for you thoughtful Haiku…I loved it. Georgia.

    1. LOL, Georgia,

      Your haiku addresses the real fear some people harbour.

      Thank you for sharing this different viewpoint on why some resort to quotes – and you’ve put it across so gently too.

      Luv and blessings,

  14. I LOVE quotes from people, be they dead or alive. Here is the reason I enjoy them. In case you couldn’t tell yet, I tend to be a bit wordy when I’m trying to get my point across. Heh. Sometimes, a quote that someone else said, sums up, in just a sentence or two, exactly the meaning of what my six paragraphs were trying to say. And yet, they’ve done it so simply, that it sounds more profound than I could ever sound. But, that’s just me. However, you aren’t going to shut me up in my own words either. 😉

    1. Lori nailed it…in less words than I would have… Sometimes we find the wisdom before the quote…and to think we have thought that same thought as the dead guy makes you want to post it.

      1. As I walk the path, I notice polished pebbles and know that I’m not the first nor will be the last to walk this path.

    1. Yup! I never propounded one over the other – (most dead fellows did get it right) – but a conjoining of the old embellished by the new.

    1. Now, that’s something – eri-cu 🙂

      I agree Beth, that even a ‘thank you’ from the heart carries much more than merely parroting someone’s words.

      All good wishes dear,

  15. If there’s one thing worse than people justifying their opions by using a quote out of context, it’s using a dictum. Just because a bunch of village rustics five hundred years ago said—there’s no smoke without fire; the pen is mightier than the sword; you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear—doesn’t make it true!
    You can learn from the knowledgeable, and use that wisdom to deepen your own understanding, but you can’t learn anything from platitudes.
    Wish I knew how to write haiku

    1. Very well encapsulated, Jane – I love what you say as it mirrors closely my exact sentiments.

      I’m all for learning from the ancients – but am ready to challenge what they had propounded. By doing so, we strengthen and build. By merely accepting blindly, we remain static.

      And if people simply can’t articulate their thoughts and ideas – as one other commenter mentioned – well, blogging is an excellent platform to practise and perfect that art, I reckon. I’m not a native English speaker – and if I can try and, occasionally, succeed in getting my ideas across – so can anyone else.

      Haiku is not as difficult as it might seem. I usually start off with about 50 words and slowly shave it down. After some time, it gets easier.

      Peace and blessings,

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