When I posted my poem TITANIC, it triggered several readers to post their responses in haiku format. It was spontaneous and captivated me – the talent out there is remarkable.

Not everyone reads the Comments, so I decided to make a post of their haiku – with due copyright credits, of course

You might want to pay them a visit and perhaps find something of interest to you.

Janine blogging as Fairytale Fallacies started the ball rolling:


D.R. blogging as Black and Write kept it going with his haiku:


I responded to D.R. with this reply:


Carroll Boswell blogging as Caleb’s Eye added two haiku on the same theme and I chose what I thought was a classic:


Amazing and generous people, all of them.

If you wish to read their original comments and my initial responses please move over to the lifeboats in Titantic.

Guess the 4-line poem – TITANIC – landed quite an unexpected catch 🙂

I love such spontaneity – don’t you!


Daniel Judges or Judged_Blue



    1. Hello Sahana,

      When we commune with our Inner Self, it is easier to be generous as all the treasures of this world are but Illusions. As you can deduce, others are equally generous in sharing their talents here. We nourish each other.

      As a student and practitioner in the World of Reality, I believe you are well versed with these and more.

      Peace, Eric

  1. I love these! They are all so good!

    I love “terror filled with black”.

    I’ve been on a cruise ship on the deck at night. The water is like ink, it’s so dark. It sent a chill up my spine thinking about those people on the titanic. They didn’t have the hope of rescue that we at least have today.


    1. Hello and welcome on board, Allison 🙂

      Very pleased indeed that you love the contributions. I thought they were very good too.

      Yes, I know what you mean by “ink” black oceans – can be variously calming to scary.

      All good wishes,

    1. Hello Maryam,

      Unfortunately, you are right. Instead of serving the people, many “leaders” think we are here to serve them.


    1. Well Ian, and I know you will not misunderstand this > spoken as one from the “colonies”

      In that and more, we share common roots.

      Cheers, Eric :-0

    1. Thank you Soumya dear,

      Yes, as Fred (hobgloblin) said, it fell nicely in place > starting with my Titantic and each one building on the other and finishing off very well with Carroll’s haiku, making it a wrap.

      As writers we use different tools but all feeding off creativity – in this example, collective creativism.

      Peace, Eric

  2. Wonderful idea Eric. I enjoyed this collection – you are an accomplished catalyst and generous sharer. Keep it up – what you do is spectacular on multiple levels.

    1. Ah, Jane – lovely words to start my Sunday morning. Thank you dear.

      Generosity is like Love and all other Positives – the more we give, the more we receive – in more ways than one.

      Luv and peace,

  3. I find Haikus to be apt for capturing sentiments — a few, powerful words will do much more than tons of words trying to reach out. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Denise,

      It is mutual help, and I hope all view it as such.

      I also started the flash-fictions (see the Flash Fiction Gallery post on Tuesday 5 Feb) for those who prefer prose.

      Peace, Eric
      P/s Keep loving the animals – they need all our love and protection they can get.

    1. …as is the generosity of those who posted their Haiku as comments.

      Thank you Peg and I loved that word “nothingness” in your recent haiku. Evokes absolute humility of our being.

      Luv and peace,

    1. Thank you – I knew a haiku specialist like you would appreciate this more 🙂

      P/s Last name is Rutherford? Trying to figure out what the first name is.

  4. Eric – aren’t blogs great? That people all over the world read your words and reach out in response. Amazing. We live in such amazing times.

    1. Welcome back,

      Very true. We are all engineers building word bridges – instead of across rivers – we build them across cyberspace to connect continents.

      Peace and goodwill to all,

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