Any thoughts on these?

Success and Defeat

Winners and Losers

It takes more character

to accept defeat


to relish success

Sorrow and Joy


Easier to feel sorrow for

someone’s Misfortune


To rejoice in their Fortunes

************ Copyright @ Eric Alagan, 2014 ************


      1. When we get to the level of quotes…it does usually mean that a large portion of people are involved 🙂

  1. I am a huge fan of quotes………. and of those who managed to say so much with such a meager amount of words. A favorite, “The greatest mistake we can make is to stay on the ground after falling.” That which speaks loudest of us, is that which must be seen. ~ May your day be beautiful, Eric. As to your comment to Jane, I’m just down the road from Jack. Maybe I’ll invite him over this weekend. ~ Much love, Bobbie

    1. Hello Bobbie,

      I like that quote too – very inspirational.

      “That which speaks loudest of us, is that which must be seen.” Isn’t that the truth as it goes beyond thoughts and words >>> and gravitates to action!

      Ah, hope Jack and you have an enjoyable visit 🙂

      Luv and hugz,

  2. I think the first is more honorable — to accept defeat. The second has a lot to do with NOT feeling jealous. And trying not to do something seems…lesser. Yet being compassionate and empathetic (also in the second) are good traits. There. My thoughts.

    1. Thank you, Sandy, for your thoughts.

      You pretty much covered all the angles and in so few words too. And all you say, rings so very true.

      Peace and blessings,

    1. Yes, Beth, to remember and reflect.

      For example, I was so very happy for you when you guys flew off for that holiday paid by your friends – on that Mystery Trip! How lovely of them, how fortunate for you – and how happy for all of you.


    1. Balance is good, I agree, Kaye

      Not only plants, man suffer the same when there is too much of anything, even life giving warmth and water.


  3. The second one says a lot about how self-obssessed we humans are, doesn’t it? Commiserating comes naturally because we are imaging ourselves in the same unfortunate situation. When someone else gets lucky, it’s more likely to be jealousy that rears its ugly head than rejoicing!

    1. You’re so very right, Jane, and thank you for your sharing.

      Years ago, when I was journeying with others in RCIA, the facilitators kept repeating about how community was key especially during times of distress. Everyone nodded ever so sagely. When I pointed out that perhaps it’s also great to rally around and celebrate the success of others – a heavy silence dropped. A couple of Sundays earlier, a couple celebrated their anniversary and invited all to their homes for a simple prayer and meal. Out of that group of about 20, only Lisa and I had attended – the others did not even bother to call to say they could not make it. Yet in church, there was so much huggy-huggy kissy-kissy!

      Yes, envy is an abundant attribute.


  4. To accept defeat requires humility. To relish success but remain down-to-earth requires more humility. Success or defeat, it should spur you on – so the character becomes alive and vibrant.

    For the second part – I rather partake in the rejoicing, for sure there will be wining and dining – something to celebrate. Misfortune – it’ll find us and there’ll be plenty of opportunity to “share”.

    1. That’s a good thought, Jasey dearest – to remain humble, no matter what we encounter. We see the piss and pomposity all around us and I don’t only refer to the outwardly arrogant.

      We see doctors who drape their stethoscopes around their necks – even when visiting the toilet. “I’m a doctor you know.” We see priests who insist on being addressed as “Father” even by people not in their faith. Something perhaps unique in Singapore – teachers who introduce themselves and expect others to address them as “Mr This” or “Mrs That” even in social settings in the homes of mutual friends. Every evening my walk-a-jog takes me past a community club where three local MPs had planted saplings – part of a tree planting initiative. Each had a plaque proudly announcing the person who planted the sapling – by “Mr” so-and-so. It says much about our society.

      Yes, I’ve a thing about such piss and pomposity. It’s all around us but in varying degrees.

      I like that – wining and dining 🙂

  5. Your words evoke Kipling for me…treat triumph and disaster as imposters, and therefore the same. If you have an open heart then others energetic lifts in life serve to lift us all. It’s all energy and it’s flows when it’s pure heart energy. Great post my lovely buddy. Xx

    1. Isn’t that lovely – to be mentioned in the same breath as Kipling.

      In the World of Illusion
      There are imposters plenty
      Discern, unburden and
      Enter the World of Reality

      Your comment drew this out in all spontaneity, Jane my buddy. That’s the kind of loving energy you radiate 🙂

      Here’s to a lovely weekend,
      P/s Just returned from my walk-a-jog > shower and a glass of Jack Daniels beckons – ’tis a good life, me thinks 🙂

      1. Your spontaneous words ring with truth. I love these golden links we have…things that money cannot buy. Big hugs to you my lovely buddy and here’s to a great weekend. Xx

    1. Well Susan,

      I like to believe that most people know these – but quite often, the demands of ‘modern’ living drains out the best of intentions.

      Have a great weekend ahead with the ‘boys’ and Mitch 🙂

  6. Great share dear Eric… I loved the way you played with opposites and I’ll take your message as an uplifting way to consider both, defeat and success, as being part of the same challenging game…
    Best wishes and enjoy your friday and weekend ahead, Aquileana 🙂

    1. You’ve been reading me for some time, Aquileana dear, and know what I always say: we all look into the mirror and we all see something different.

      Hence, the words go beyond the literal – and some garner more – much more than even what the author meant to convey. For I believe, the author’s limitations should never be (and is never) the limitations of the reader.

      All good wishes for the weekend dear,

  7. Very true words, Eric. Defeat shouldn’t define us; it shouldn’t be the end. Courage and determination amplifies the whispers of success. Only then will we realize she’s been standing beside all along.

    Envy is like a dreaded skin disease. It destroys even a man who thinks he has everything.

    1. Yes, Uzo my friend,

      Following up in the same vein – success also should not define us – for it could be a mere illusion, a crest before the trough. Yes, your words helped propel this to the yonder.

      I like your phrase – envy as a skin disease!

      It’s obvious to all who see but not to those afflicted. It could be a momentary dulling of the eyes, the drop of facial muscles, an awkward pause – but it lingers within the recipient that no subsequent mask worn by the afflicted can ever hide.

      Peace, Bro, and have a great weekend ahead,

  8. I find more personal truth in the first one. Success is ego-building, but defeat strips our confidence and hits us at the core. To me, accepting defeat isn’t giving up- it’s acknowledging a failure and not letting it become me.

    1. Bingo!

      You encapsulated that so well, Janna dear.

      I might have failed but that’s my failure, that’s not me – because I’m much more than that failure!

      I love what you said,

  9. thoughts on the two sayings are..well firstly, why are wise words so easy to say, but so hard to apply?
    Also…yes. I agree with both of them – for most of us are at that place where we feel better at someone else’s misfortunes or sorrows. It makes us feel that we either aren’t alone or that what we experience isn’t as bad. With the first quote, I guess for me personally, it can make me feel more insecure and afraid that I was not as deserving to receive good fortune…..does that make sense?

    1. Ah, but words are mere paths – waiting to give up experiences to all travellers 🙂

      You’re right, Shree, and it makes sense. Shared grief reduces the burden; and inversely, shared happiness multiplies the joy – I reckon.

      Peace and blessings

    1. Depending on the context, a defeat fuels reflection, acceptance and resurgence, I reckon.

      When someone talks about their child excelling in school or sports, their partner winning a promotion, or when they drive up in a flashy new car or move into a lovely home – can we feel happy for them.

      Closer to our blogging bones – how many rejoice when someone announces they have published a new book.

      You’re right, Aparna dear – Altruism, altruism, where art thou 🙂

      All good wishes,
      P/s Something is amiss – WP has marked your blocked as ‘protected’ and requires a password to access. Looks like the WP gnomes are at it again 🙁

      1. I agree Eric! It takes much reflection to accept defeat in a positive stride. Same with people being happy when other’s achieve.
        I am trying to change my blog’s appearance and not very happy with some changes 🙂

  10. Those are good Eric – this one comes to mind: I am not diminished by your success

    It’s so hard to decide on accept defeat – is that quitting ? But we don’t always win – there’s lots of food for thought here!

    1. “I am not diminished by your success” – how very well put! True, success is not a zero sum game.

      Well, it depends on the context where one encounters ‘defeat’ – is it an end game or one game in a series.

      You’re right, Bill, it’s so open for interpretation 🙂

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