1. Extremely valid question: who is the nail upholding my successes and dreams? I like the comment by Dennis, mentioning the power behind the throne prinicple. The folks in the background do indeed operate the curtain pulls and levers of so much of life!

    1. Ah, Granbee, you’ve provided another twist to the discussion – curtain operators. Yes, one can be the most talented and grace the grandest stages – but if the curtains remain drawn close…reminds one of all the undiscovered talent out there…

  2. My first time here from, comment you made on intotheidigowordpress.com blog. Your comments show insight and wisdom as does your poetry. I love the metaphor of the nail. There ae so many possible analogies. I like the fact that the nail is not only simple, but small but can stilll be of service to mankind, holding something, someone beautiful up for many years, without becoming rusty-but if the nail is loosened from the wall by a jolt, then the ‘painting’ person can come crashing down, marring the surface and breaking the glass-protective covering. This can of course speak of old age-the tendacy to fall. The wall, I believe is where we live, where we are planted to bring others pleasure. Some people change their pictures all the time, like changing partners everytime they get boring. I like to look at the nail as God-someone greater than us who is still ‘hanging there for us in the form of his son, even when others get tired of us and discard us for another beautiful painting, or when we fall down..well this could go forever, see what you started.

    1. Welcome Clarabetty – glad to have you visit.

      Thank you for this lovely sharing of yours. You are so right…this could go forever. It is not for me to teach. I merely provide the pieces
      of a jigsaw puzzle – each reader rearranges his/her unique interpretations – and I learn 🙂

      All good wishes, Eric

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