Do we know who we are, how the world sees us?

For most of us, the official work-year starts tomorrow, Tuesday, 3 January 2012. Who do we plan to be to family, friends, associates and the world at large?



    1. Hello Eva dearest,

      Good question, who indeed?

      Many blame ‘society’ but I reckon, humans are social animals and have to fit in. They have to conform to the norms of the various ‘clubs’ they are part of – the industry they work in, religion they embrace, services they access/need, family, friends, and etc.

      Watch how some religions force women to ‘cover up’ —- other societies ostracise gays —- just a couple of examples out of thousands!

      We shall all reap — in time, I reckon.


      1. I learned modesty from my parents, but in the privacy of my home, there’s very little covering up. I am trying to teach my kids that we are all just flesh and bone, so be not ashamed. However, it’s a really fine line between no shame and flaunting it all. I’m still working on that.

        Society’s norms suck. Some high-and-mighty twat sets the standards and we all have to squander our pennies to keep up. Blah!

      2. Eva dearest,

        Yes, it is a fine – many inadvertantly step over it and many more don’t even know of its existence, I reckon.

        “twat” – LOL! Now, that’s a word I’ve not heard in public in decades 🙂

        Love and hugz,

    1. Hello Doose,
      I’m heartened that these words touch you.

      I’m the messenger, His is the message.
      What a blessed vocation I have.
      I’m blessed…and so can everyone.

      Peace, Eric

  1. Eric
    This is a wonderful post. I have always firmly believed in being who you are without pretense. However, there is always consequences to every path we take.
    It is the truth within our self that ultimately decides our role.
    Thank you

    1. @crackedbottle

      Happy that you love it so much 🙂
      You have an interesting blog with captivating images…will visit soon to relish.
      Cheers, Eric

    1. Hello Amy,
      Thank you for your visit and subscribing to my blog. I took a quick look at your works over YouTube and will return. You have a sweet voice.
      Cheers, Eric

  2. Great post!

    One thing it took years for me to learn, you can’t change people. On the spectrum of how others view us as individuals? Whether or not one wears a mask, one will always have those that dislike them and those that do like him/her. I agree, it’s prudent just to be yourself! 🙂

    Once one decides to take that leap and see people for what they really are and start being his or her self, they may lose a lot of friends (That liked you better with the mask on), but the gain of those that like you for YOU is far more fulfilling. 🙂

    Depending on how your personality type is, be warned. Most of the world has a small bandwidth of tolerance when it’s coming to being different than the norm and outside of the box thinking. The average person has this tolerance between point “A” and point “B”, wander too far off the range of those to points and you will be looked upon as a weirdo…

    1. @Adult Satires

      Thank you for the visit and compliment.

      Your observations are filled with unassailable truths. Thank you for sharing it with my visitors and I.

      All good wishes, Eric 🙂

  3. Yes, yes i do wear masks and i hate it but find it easier to disguise myself than being open to crticism and misunderstanding. Am i a coward? Or being sensible?

    1. @Histrel

      All of us wear masks; some of us most of the time, others…sometimes. To keep one free from abuse, safe, employed, etc…sounds sensible to me. Cowardice does not figure in all of this, I reckon.

    1. @Grandfathersky

      Thank you for your visit and compliment.

      I’m going to make the world a better place too…I am going to smile at the rubbish collector; say a kind word to the washroom attendant and even say hello to the man next door who ignores me…and I am going to do this everyday, regardless of their response.

      I am in control of my happiness 🙂

  4. The mask we need to protect, to survive, to enhance and all for reasons or excuses we believe it’s for the best. But we hope the mirror will help us to reflect and maybe right some wrongs or do better. Well thought phrases that helps us delve within.

    1. Hello dolphina,
      Yes, you are right that masks help us to protect ourselves in the jungle, as long as we do not become the characters we play but remain true to ourselves. Cheers, Eric

  5. Our true and shiny Soul is only seen in the mirror and that of our hearts mirror is one that is the true soul we show… Thank you for the post and sharing your love! Happy New Year!

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