A few years ago, I stopped accepting awards. Please refrain from nominating my blog. For those who continue to do so, I shall post the awards here but not act on them. Thank you for your understanding.


20 May 2014. Alysha Kaye commented on my Mechanic Leigh On Amazon Kindle Post: Congrats Eric! I nominated you for the Liebster.


22 April 2014. AnneTBell commented on my Eric Alagan Page: Congratulations! I have nominated you for an award, either “I’m not Fresh Pressed” or “Being A Light of to the World.”


3 Feb 2014. annetbell commented on post Rara Earth: Tara meets Enu, Francis and Buyono > I have nominated you for the Shauny Blogging Award. I hope you will accept it, and pass it along to other deserving blogs. Thanks for your great work!


3 Jan 2014. Taylor Eaton commented on post, Rare Earth: Tara meets President Bohlale > Hi Eric! I’ve nominated you for the WordPress Family Award – an award given to those who make others around the WordPress blogosphere feel welcome and part of the family.

28 Dec 2013. Michael Monday commented on my Eric Alagan Page and passed on the Blog of the Year 2013 and The Inventive Blogger Award.


4 Dec 2013. Eva Matson commented in this Page (scroll down to comments) > Eric, I know you don’t accept, but you know how I feel about your writing and your friendship. I nominated you for the Blog of the Year 2013 and you can read the post here.

26 Nov 2013. ChristyB commented on post Rare Earth, Tara on the move > Pssst Eric, I have nominated you for the Blog Of The Year Award 2013! Congrats! I am excited to give you this one– I hope you accept. Details are here: Click on the image and it’ll take you to her blog post.

Blog of the Year Award 1 star jpeg

12 Nov 2013. Joseyphina commented on post, Bon Voyage > Hello Eric, you’ve been nominated for the Blog of the Year 2013 Award so please visit my blog for the details. have a nice day.

8 Nov 2013. You registered on WordPress.com 2 years ago! Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging!


7 Nov 2013. Bookreader (Odis) commented on post, Fallen Grace (e-book) > Hey Eric I really enjoy your blog as such I nominated you for the Sunshine Award!


11 Aug 2013. Nemesis Brown commented on post, Perfect Balance > Hi, I love your blog and I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Hope you have a Fantastic day and hugs your way.x.

9 Aug 2013. Wandering Jouster commented on Page, Eric Alagan > Hi, Eric. just dropping a note to tell you about this bouquet of three awards blog nomination i have for you.


13 July 2013. Taylor Eaton commentd on Page, Eric Alagan > I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger award! I’ve truly enjoyed your writing and feel it deserving of this award. Whether or not you choose to display the award, I’d like to commend you on your great work. Keep it up! 🙂


8 July 2013. Bee commented on post Fallen Grace – Minders > Your work is amazing and encouragement you have given me from the start please accept this award – Best Moment Award.

6 July 2013. Bee commented on post Mahabharata > Your words are amazing. Everyone has said it well about your poem. I feel so far behind been helping my sister yesterday and trying to catch up today almost impossible task please accept this award nomination


4 July 2013. Bee commented on Page Blog Tips > Please accept this award – The WordPress Family Award.

4 July 2013> Jane Dougherty commented on post, Animal Welfare > Have an award, Eric. Don’t know if you have this one yet – Inner Peace Award.


1 July 2013. Soma Mukherjee made a special card for me > See Blog Pick July 2013 > Thank you so much Eric, truly Humbled and touched…You have always supported me in all my posts however insane they were (and we know how insane and creepy my posts are most of the time)…But this is such an honour..WOW. Sending you tons and tons and tons of Hugs n love 🙂
Made a card for you 🙂


22 June 2013. Bee commented on page, Eric Alagan > Your blog has taught me a lot and this my first time for doing this. Thank you for following. Shine On Award.

6 June 2013. Sheryl commented on page, Blog Tips > Hi Eric, I’m nominating your for the Sunshine and Versatile Blogger Awards.

28 May 2013. Coach Muller commented on the post, Genesis > I want to let you know that I nominated your blog for the “Super Sweet Blogger Award”! Thanks for having such a nice site. I truly enjoy it. Congratulation. Please go to my page and see your award.

27 May 2013. Ishaiya commented below > I’m nominating you for the Sunshine and Versatile Blogger Awards. I love your blog and I wanted to share how much I appreciate you and your support. Love and hugs, Ishaiya

22 May 2013. Joseyphina commented on the post, Ordinary People > Hi Eric, you’ve been nominated for some awards so please check them out. Congrats! (These included the Wonderful Team Membership Award, shown below)


21 May 2013. Anonymously Yours commented on the post, Seashell > I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogging Award! I find your posts to be absolutely beautiful.

20 May 2013. Georgia blogging as Bastet & Sekhmet commented on the post, Seashell > Loved your Haiku and have decided to nominate you for The Seed of Light Award…congratulations.


13 May 2013. Laura Crean commented on my Eric Alagan page > I have nominated you for 3 WordPress awards because you are AWESOME!  It’s just for fun so you don’t have to accept but if you do – follow the link to my awards page and join in the fun.  She says: Eric Alagan (Fallen Grace and other works) – amazingly versatile blogger, writer and poet who has talent oozing from every pore. (The awards are: Versatile Blogger Award, Sunshine Award and WordPress Family Award).

10 May 2013. Lights of Clarity commented on my Eric Alagan page > Hello! I have nominated you for (the Sunshine) award!

5 May 2013. Elizabeth commented on my Eric Alagan page > Hi Eric, I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for a Sunshine Award. I hope that’s okay

5 May 2013. Bastet commented on my page Eric Alagan > Good Morning!  I’ve nominated you for the ABC Award…because you’ve already done wonders with the Brothers Grinn! Be of good cheer today!

5 May 2013. tersiaburger commented on post The Collared > I have nominated you for the Best Moments Award. I hope you will accept.

4 May 2013. Hikari Yori commented on post The Watchman > Hi Eric, I award you for the Liebster Blog Award. Please refer the details. Thank you. – Hikari Yori

3 May 2013. Willowdot21 commented on post The Watchman > Hi Eric  I have nominated you for all three or any one of the Three Awards – Liebster Award, Interesting Blog Award, Super Sweet Blogging Award. Please accept with hugs!!



2 May 2013. QueridaJ commented on post Nothing to Lose > I hope you will accept this small token of appreciation – “Liebster Award” – for your work and vision!

liebster 2013

28 April 2013. Heresnews commented on post SIGNS > Hello Eric, more tickling words for thought. Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award…kudos.


25 April 2013. From Gys > You are nominated for WordPress Family Award.

25 April 2013. HuntMode commented on my Eric Alagan page > Hello, Eric, I have nominated and awarded you the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award.” No pressure to follow the rules, to respond or just accept. Just thought you might like to know you came to my mind. Looks like you got this from Alexis, as well. You see! You are inspiring, plus you do haiku! Best ~ HuntMode


25 April 2013. Hikari Yori commented on Brothers Grinn, Marriage Advice > Hi Brother Eric, I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award. God bless

23 April 2013. Alexis Krystina commented on Eric Alagan page > Hi Eric! I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Check it out.

23 April 2013. HuntMode commented on Eric Alagan page > Hi Eric, I’ve nominated you for the Word Press Family Award.  Thanks for all you do. I know how precious our time is, please participate or not as it fits…Best ~ HuntMode

22 April 2013. Cheryl commented on Z-Awards below > Hi Eric, I’m awarding you the Sunshine Award (another award for your Maahoosive awards page!) You deserve it. All the best, Cheryl

18 April 2013. Willowdot21 commented on Grounded > Dear Eric, please accept the the Three Award Nomination information. (Versatile Blogger Award, Dragon’s Loyalty Award and Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. With love willowdot21.


14 April 2013. Lgyslaine commented on Father > Awards for you. Thank to follow this link 🙂


8 April 2013. Gigoid commented on Hell & Heaven > Eric, Oh, brother from another mother….. Willow nominated me for the WordPress Family Award, which means I can nominate 10 other bloggers who I feel are part of my WordPress Family too…. So, I picked you as one of my group, though I have to admit I needed more than 10 to do justice to all the good ffolkes here on WP….    :-DAnywho, I think you’re not all bad, :lol: and now all of WP knows it, too!….

If you wish to pay the award forward, feel free, but there is no pressure to do so…. just accept my love, and have a good day… Take care, my friend, and Blessed Be…gigoid, aka Ned, and glad to be your friend….

3 April 2013. Willowdot21 commented on Bedpost 33-word flash fiction gallery > Hi my dear friend Eric,  I have nominated you for the “I am part of the wordpress family award!” big hugs xxx

Willow had this to say > “the exciting uncle who is always coming up with great questions and interesting tasks”

Okay, so now I have a “niece” in blogsville 🙂


2 April 2013. Willowdot21 commented on Blog Pick April 2013 post > Dear Eric I have nominated you for (the very inspiring blogger) award. Hugs, willow. xxxxx

29 Mar 2013. Srijana kattel commented in Eric Alagan page > It’s my honour to share with you the ”One lovely blog award”


27 Mar 2013. David Stewart commented in Eric Alagan page > I nominated you for the Most Influential Blogs of 2012 (yeah a little late).

20 Mar 2013. Graypoet commented below in Z-Awards > I’ve nominated you for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award and hope you accept. I enjoy your blog and hope others will also.


20 Mar 2013. Kalabalu commented in 33-word Flash Fiction Gallery > I have nominated you, for ” A very Inspiring Blogger Award” Please visit my blog post for getting the rules. Congrats

19 Mar 2013. Willowdot21 commented on Eric Alagan page > Hi I have nominated you for the The Dragon’s Loyalty Award, which you highly deserve!


5 Mar 2013. Chris Black commented on Blog Pick March 2013 > Eric, I am nominating you for The One Lovely Blog Award and The Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

25 Feb 2013. Francesca (rarelysimple) commented on Eric Alagan page > Hi! I’ve nominated you for the ‘Shine On’ blogger award. Have a nice day!


18 Feb 2013. I know this is a strange notification received from Word Press. I received an earlier one for 1000 Blog Followers, but 1337 is not exactly a milestone, is it 🙂


17 February 2013. Meiro commented on Z/Awards > Dear Eric, I just nominate you for the Most Influential Blog Award of 2012. Congratulations and have a beautiful Sunday. All best, mei


26 January 2013. JE Lattimer commented on Fallen Grace-2 > Hello Eric – I just wanted to stop by & let you know that I nominated your work for the “Blog of the Year 2012″ award! Keep up the great work & enjoy the day!

10 December 2012. iamforchange commented on 44. Mr Toad > I love your pages and your form of self-expression, it is a pleasure to have you share your gifts through your pages Thank you. I have nominated you for blog of the Year please visit my page Blog of the year awards and nominations Thank you! Revised posted on December 9, 2012

Blog of the Year Award 6 star jpeg

16 October 2012. Jean commented on Cycle of Love > So beautiful!  I’ve nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award! I’ve loved your posts and this is a way of appreciating them. Cheers! Jean

4 September 2012. Laura LME commented on Keeper of Secrets > LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! You have just been nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award! Check out my post “One Lovely Blog Award” for details on what to do next. Congratulations!!!

21 July 2012. David Stewart commented on Sunshine Tales & Verses > Hey Eric, I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. Thanks for all your support and all the good stuff you post.

11 July 2012. Midnighthues commented on AWARDS > Hey Eric, In appreciation of your wonderful work and constant support, I would like to share with you The Outstanding Blogger Award! – Eric is a prolific writer, poet and an author from Singapore. His thoughts and work always reflect the deeper side of life. Regards, Aparna

25 June 2012. MarinaSofia commented on First Night: Eric, I have only very recently discovered you, so it may seem a little pretentious, but I would like to nominate you for a Versatile Blogger Award, as I do like what I have read of your work so far (and appreciate your kindness and connectedness to other writers)

June 14, 2012. Versatile Blogger Award by Bumba to Eric Alagan, who has won a ton of awards, but deserves another. And thanks to all the bloggers and sloggers who stumble upon this site. Bumba

12 June 2012. J. E. Lattimer commented on The Comedian. Great post! I nominated your blog for the Awesome Blog Content Award

8 June 2012. Walter Kitty’s Diary > Liebster Award Eric Alagan is a writer living in Singapore, actually from what I can gather I think he is from there. Originally I stopped at his site because he was discussing some Catholic issues I identified with. Once I started reading his other posts I found a kind voice full of thoughtful passion. His reality couldn’t be more different from mine and yet I feel at home with his thoughts. Probably because of the voice he uses.

8 June 2012. Soumyav commented on Going Away Present > Always impressed and influenced by your work and words…here is something I wish to say ! Thanks for writing! and ya! the award for the same!

7 June 2012. Soumyav commented on Bean Counters > Eric I am nominating you for the appreciation award… This is for my own satisfaction, that I am able to express my gratitude for you in some way

6 June 2012. jhasmoments commented on Bean Counters > Congrats to you!! 🙂 :)Thanks for the continuous visits to my site 🙂 greatly appreciated!! and it means a lot to me that you always comment 🙂 So…. with that said Eric….I have just nominated you for the “Thanks for writing award”

4 June 2012. B. L. Crisp commented on Supper Time > I’ve nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award

22 May 2012. aquaturtleme commented on DUST > Hi Eric…I have nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award – for his creative maestro reflected in his poems, fiction, prose, etc. Please check it out & nominate seven others from your part…Regards, Rose

21 May 2012. Soumyav commented on DUST > Eric! Nominating you for the beautiful award! I know you are above all these. Still felt to do so… There is a lot we can find in this blog from haiku’s to posters to life rendering experiences which defines the beauty of life. This blog of Eric has lot many novels too offer in future too.

10 May 2012. George Mahn commented on Eric Alagan page > Hello Eric! I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Cheers, George

30 April 2012. Bluesander commented on Sermon > Hey, just wanted to let you know that you’re an inspiration to me. I’ve nominated you for the Inspiring Blog Award. Find more about it here. Please do pass it on if you aren’t too preoccupied with other matters. Stay inspiring! ‘Nessa.

30 April 2012. Ankur Mithal commented on Eric Alagan page > Hi, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award.

19 April 2012. transitionscoachingcayman commented on my post, The Guest > Hi Eric, Hope you are better now. I’ve nominated your blog for a Sunshine Award.

19 April 2012. jhasmoments commented on Seeds Sown > Hi Eric!! 🙂 I have nominated you for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award” and I do hope you will accept this award. I visit your page and I think you are very deserving of this award. 🙂 Congrats to you!! 🙂 Details for this award can be found on my site

5 April 2012. anilraheja commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Eric, you’ve been nominated for the Creative Chaos Award – the only one that counts!! God bless & lots of love, Anil

3 April 2012. QueridaJ commented on Holy Warrior > Hello Eric , I have nominated you for the 7X7 Link Award.

31 March 2012. Haphazard Linkages > Versatile Blogger Awards and 7×7 Link Award to Eric – An assorted collection of writings on life. We particularly enjoy reading about Mechanic Leigh, a fictitious character in 20th century Singapore.

31 March 2012. Sirenia commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Hello Eric! I have nominated you for the Creative Chaos Award. ~ Sirenia ~ 😀

29 March 2012. lostupabove commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Did I already tell you that you are a Chaotic person and also a creative one? Well I do know and before you get angry here is the Creative Chaos award. Love and Hugs, Psychic Steph

28 March 2012. Step On a Crack commented on Bedtime Stories > Hello there!I am happy to nominate you for the Creative Chaos Award for your Crazy Wisdom!Peace, Jen

24 March 2012. anilraheja commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Hi Eric – we’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger award – congratulations & God bless…we always look forward to reading your blog – absolute pleasure!! lots of love my friend… 🙂


24 March 2012. nocturnefirefay- Miss L.F xoxo commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Just stopping by to give you an award – ABC Award, Sunshine Award, One Lovely Blog Award -as i always, say no presssure to participate but here’s the link back to the details in case you do. Enjoy your weekend and congrats.

16 March 2012. Rola Yousef commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Hello! I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award.

16 March 2012. bluefiadiarries commented on The Book of… > Hey, I’ve nominated you for Inspiring Blogger Award. Keep inspiring! 🙂 Fia

14 March 2012. lostupabove commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Dear Sir, as chairwoman of the committee I have the honour to inform you that you have been nominated for the Inspiring Blogger Award. Very kind regrds, Miss Steph. PS: I see you have been nominated already so as usual, I’m second, (sadly not “to none”) Love and hugs xxx

14 March 2012. lscotthoughts commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Hi Eric, I’ve nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award, Very Inspiring Blogger and Sunshine Award. I’ve included all nominees for all awards, so if you choose to accept, feel free to accept all or any award on this post. I truly hope this makes sense! Lauren xx

13 March 2012. bipolarmuse commented on My Cycle of Freedom, Your Cycle of Life > Nominated you for Inspiring Blog Award. Eric is truly inspiring. Always a ray of sunshine that I can count on to have words of hope and inspiration. A “light” in the darkness.

12 March 2012. Epiphany Art commented on Lessons Abound > Hiya nominated you for the Sunshine blog award and two other awards.

12 March 2012. Soma Mukherjee commented on Lessons Abound > Hey Eric I have nominated you for Beautiful Blogger and Very Inspiring Blogger Award. If you choose to accept the awards please click the link to know more. Have a great day 🙂

11 March 2012. Pia Valentin Sørensen commented on Lessons Abound > Beautiful poem! I nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award 🙂

11 March 2012. celestealluvial commented on DRAMA > Hello Eric. I am giving you the HUG award. You are such an inspiration to me and to many. Thank you for sharing your light with the world. Celeste

11 March 2012. Autumn Sunshine commented on DRAMA > Gabby and Autumn have nominated you for the Hope Unites Globally (HUG) Award. Thank you for making the world a better place with your writing.

11 March 2012. George W Mahn III commented on DRAMA > Hello Eric! I have nominated you for the Beautiful Blog Award 🙂 Cheers, George

9 March 2012. Jane Thorne commented on DRAMA > Dear Eric – I have passed the Beautiful Blogger Award on to you because you are a beautiful blogger…my love to you x

9 March 2012. adollyciousirony commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Hello Eric, you’re one of those blogger buddies of mine who inspired me so I hope you’d accept this token of appreciation from me – very-inspiring-blogger-award. Thank you so much 🙂 Dolly xoxo

8 March 2012. William Leed commented on Eric Alagan page > I see you have received this award before. I believe you deserve the recognition Versatile Blogger Award

7 March 2012. anilraheja commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Eric, my friend – one more!! i’ve nominated you for the Mrs. Sparky’s Ten Commands Award. God bless & lots of love – Anil

7 March 2012. anilraheja commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Eric, my friend – the universally acclaimed one!! I could not help but nominate you for the Beautiful Blogger Award as well 🙂 God bless & lots of love…Anil

7 March 2012. Cindy L Riemersma commented on Sibling Rivalry > Magnificent Poem! You are a very gifted writer. I have read several of your continuing sagas…but I would really like to start at the beginning and read them through to the last post. Where might I find the start of these sagas? They are so wonderful! I also forgot to post a notification here about nominating you for the Top Recent Commenter Award. Thank you so much for your constant support and kindness! Enjoy this new award! -Cindy

6 March 2012. Beautiful Blog Award by lostupabove given to > Eric, universally known I guess, (could be a doubtful honour  :D)

2 March 2012. Jane Thorne comment on post, Raining Haiku > Eric I wanted to give you the Sunshine Award (I know you already have it) because you bring bright sunshine into my life. Love to you buddy x

1 March 2012. bluefiadiarries commented on Sibling Rivalry > Hey Eric, I’ve nominated you for Sunshine Award. 🙂 Fia

29 February 2012. anilraheja commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Eric, my friend, I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Award. Well deserved, as always 🙂 Love. Anil

26 February 2012. lyndarenham commented on ERIC ALAGAN > I’m thrilled to award you the Kreativ blogger award. Check my Blog for details and congratulations… I know you have it but read what I say about you.

Eric Algan whose brilliant writing makes me go green with envy. I hate him. No, of course, I don’t really. His wonderful flowing prose sometimes makes me want to weep for it is so perfect. I love reading his words on ‘Life of Mechanic Leigh’ I adore this journal so very much. It is a place I go when I want to indulge myself. Thank you for that Eric. I know he has this award already but a second awarding of it does not seem so bad.

Lynda xx

24 February 2012. bipolarmuse commented on ERIC ALAGAN > I nominated you for The Sunshine Award. 🙂

24 February 2012. Cindy Riemersma commented on I Once Met A Star > Fabulous, as always! I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Congratulations! Cindy

20 February. Step On a Crack commented on Reality & Illusion > Hello there Sunshine!!! I am here to spread some Blog Sunshine Karma! I nominate you for the Sunshine Award! XO Jen

19 February 2012. Parry commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Hello Eric, I just nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award.

18 February 2012. nocturnefirefay– Miss L.F xoxo commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Just letting you know that I gave you a versatile blogger award. Congrats and have a lovely weekend.

15 February 2012. Epiphany Art > Nominated you for ‘Mrs. Sparkly’s Ten Commandments Award’.

15 February 2012. lostupabove commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Dear Sir, I have the honour of nominating you for the Liebster Blog Award. Yours faithfully, Someone you do not know and wants to stay anonymous

9 February 2012. lostupabove commented on ERIC ALAGAN > Dear Eric, You know that women most of the time like to know a lot about someone, even if it is not their business. I am no exception therefore I have nominated you for this challenge so that my curiosity finally can be satisfied. Love and hugs, Steph

9 February 2012. celestealluvial commented on You Are All These And More > Eric, I wanted to pass on the Mrs. Sparkly’s Ten Commandments Award to you. I always enjoy your writings whenever I drop by….I love your creative blog. Congratulations, Celeste

2 Feb 2012. Anaturalfire commented on blog post We Ate Like Lords > I’ve nominated you for a versatile blogger award.


  1. I could never figure out how to post the awards anyway so gave up trying except for one. I have not been receiving any blog posts from you and have been concerned that you are ok. Happy New Year–it will come there sooner than here. Juliana

    1. Hello Juliana – no worries about the awards. I’ve sort of dropped off blogging for a few months. All is well and gainfully busy. Trust and hope that 2014 has been great and all the very best for 2015,

    1. Hello Ian,

      Thank you for this kind affirmation – you guys spoil me 🙂

      I recall that you too are not into ‘awards’ but that hasn’t stopped some bloggers from nominating you 🙂

      It is pleasant but takes a life of its own and gets to be time consuming and messes up our posting schedule somewhat. Therefore, I came up with this Z-Awards Page to capture the lovely gestures.

      All good wishes,
      P/s My daughter Alicia successfully completed her final medical exams. Praise and thank the Good Lord! She’s moving to Canberra, ACT in January to commence her medical internship. Thought, you would like to know.

      1. My congratulations Eric. It seems she has the energy and resolve of her parents and will be quite successful in life. I wish her well as she transfers to Canberra for her medical internship.

    1. Hello Eva dear,

      Congratulations on the nomination. I’ve seen how your poetry continues to be full of living (and lived) experiences and emotions. Truly, you’re well deserving of the Blog of the Year 2013 award 🙂

      Thank you also for thinking of me. Yes, I’ll not be following this through but shall graciously accept and bow to this recognition from a true friend and supporter 🙂

      All the very best and here’s to another year of blogging,

  2. I’m nominating you for the Sunshine and Versatile Blogger Awards. I love your blog and I wanted to share how much I appreciate you and your support. You can find the awards on this link: http://wp.me/p1T8nQ-fO
    Love and hugs

    1. Wow! This is a pleasant surprise and thank you very much 🙂

      Congratulations on landing these awards from Devan. That was a long trek in Spain – quite an accomplishment.

      All good wishes,

      1. Bless you Eric and thank you. Yes that was a long trek in Spain. I’ve always wanted to repeat it, but I’m not as young and fit as I was when I did it the first time!

        All the best

    1. I’ve learnt two words today, Cheryl – “Maahoosive” and “Pescatarian” 🙂

      Congratulations on all the awards you’ve accummulated and thank you for passing on the Sunshine Award my way 🙂 I look forward to reading more of your work.

      All good wishes, Eric
      P/s The 1940’s military bed of your grandpa’s – that’s unique.

    1. I’ve enjoyed your ‘word bending’ and not surprised that you landed this recognition. I read that your first draft is with the publisher. Good wishes for a positive outcome.

      Thank you for passing this award my way, too.

      Cheers, Eric

    1. I’m not into “awards” now – although at the initial stages I was thrilled. Now, I simply don’t have the time to carry out all the requirements. But if someone wants to pass on their appreciation – I humbly accept and mention them here. I guess this is the least I can do to show my appreciation for their thoughts.

      I see that you are reading all my pages, one-by-one 😀

      Many thanks Yoshiko,

    1. Congratulations on landing this award Mei

      You honour me so, by passing it my way. I am proud and humbled to be counted among all the other wonderful bloggers who have influenced you.

      We meet many talented people on Blogsville and I count you among the most influential.

      Peace and all good wishes,

    1. Dear Ankur – Congratulations on having landed this award.

      Thank you also for thinking my blog worthy.

      All good wishes and keep those dark humour works coming, Eric 🙂

    1. Aparna dear – what a lovely surprise and a new award 🙂

      I notice that Soumya passed this award your way – excellent. You are well deserving of it.

      Thank you and happy blogging, Eric

    1. Congratulations Polly on having landed this award.

      I also appreciate you passing this on to me. Such recognition by fellow bloggers keep us all going, I reckon.

      All good wishes, Eric 🙂

    1. Congratulations for having landed so many awards. Nothing like receiving recognition from fellow-bloggers – enjoy and bask 🙂

      Thank you also for thinking my blog worthy – I humbly accept your nominations.

      – Eric 🙂

    1. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Congratulations.

      Happy that you landed this award and it means much to me to receive same from a man of your standing. You are a true fighter and I admire how you handled yourself during the recent journey into cancer-land. You’re an inspiration.

      Thank you, Eric

    1. Congratulations Jenny – I’m not surprised that you, a lovely lady, landed this Lovely Blog Award.

      Thank you for passing it on to me – this is much appreciated as all us bloggers are encouraged and enthused by such recognition.

      Happy blogging, Eric 🙂

  3. I saw that you already have an award for Beautif Blogger. I have been nominated for the same award. I thought it would be nice to nominate my followers. They are few, but they are loyal. Thank you for following me. Here is your nomination.


    Instructions for the award:
    1. Thank the person who gave you the award
    2. Paste the award on your blog
    3. Link the person who nominated you for the award
    4. Nominate 7 bloggers or less
    5.. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominated

    1. Hello Cindy – looks like you’ve something special going on with your husband Tim. Read a few posts 🙂 Am happy for you folks.

      Congratulations on winning this award (from my good friend Steph, I see). Thank you for this award. Much appreciate it.

      All good wishes, Eric 🙂

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