1. Puts in mind that ancient axiom “Lose the battle but win the war” and its sad opposite “Win the battle but lose the war.” Both proved time and time by history. In my mind all battles are losses and history has a way of ultimately negating the outcomes of most wars.

    1. Wow! I like that – “… all battles are losses…”

      You set me thinking, Jane, and I like that. I did my heavy gym workout yesterday. Today, I’ll be taking a long walk. Perfect time for me to reflect on the phrase.

      Thank you,

  2. I think we are all fighters in different tactics at different time. Even in remaining silent or walking away could be a battle won. In forgiving and not retaliating, we earn love and respect. In vocalizing, we communicated our thoughts and gain mutual understanding. In a twisted way of view, our opponents keep us sharp and pave challengers so we can better ourselves.

    1. Hello Windy,

      Yes, we are all fighters in our unique ways. But society has a narrow definition for a “fighter” which I agree with you is not valid and is not all-encompassing.

      And you’re right when you say stress from competition benefits us, otherwise one can get lazy and dull.

      Have a lovely Sunday and a great start to the week,

    1. Hello and welcome aboard, Bette 🙂

      *** Sharing ***

      Oral history
      Passed down and changes with time
      Wisdom has deep roots

      Copyright @ Eric Alagan, 2018

  3. In business it does work. I’ve always been asked to rescue organizations where the golden age seems to have passed and it needs to enter a new era. In doing that you pull people out of their comfort zones and they resist so all the management techniques you write about Eric come into play. But in spite of doing all that change management stuff within the whole organization sometimes nothing works except someone has to give way under pressure so goals can be reached for the overall good of all. The nicest way to describe those who’ve lost out is now disaffected and out to get you. 🙂 I had a rule that I should always have out of twenty a minimum of eighteen on side because they are opinion shapers for those under them. But some of those eighteen also have cherished protected areas that need reengineering in future, so before moving on to those areas one has to make the disaffected happy and bring them into the happy campers in organizational achievement. As everyone is greedy, there are ways to make that happen as long as ethics are not disrespected. That doesn’t mean those who lose in protecting their historical turf suddenly like you, but at least they reconnect in moving toward the goal in spite of not liking you. Then you can deal with another area of need. Worked for me Eric but I don’t think you will find the approach in a textbook.

    1. Hello Ian,

      Thank you for this comprehensive response and sharing the challenges you faced and overcame. At the risk of coming across as bragging, we can write books about our business experience.

      And you’re right. You don’t find many successful approaches in text books—especially those written by academics.

      Each business situation throws up unique challenges but most of them have an underlying thread. For me, the challenge was to ferret out that thread. Once identified, we might face many daunting challenges but at least we know that we are in the ballpark.


      *** Change Management ***

      Change management fails
      Changing the team, way to go
      Team includes myself

      Copyright @ Eric Alagan, 2018

      1. That’s why your writing is more relevent to the need than most textbooks which are constructed by academics who deal in economic theory models. I’m not against theoretical models at all in fact I’ve taught business and find models a useful reference tool. But its something like a doctor who has years of study and experience. But they will cheerfully admit the human body differs in each person and that includes a number of issues with one example being unique chemistry. We are all different. So the doctor has to experiment using his training and experience to find out what works with a unique person. Organizational treatment is the same. There are a lot of factors to consider. Political rules, social structuring, available sources of quality materials at a competitive cost, worker’s training availability and their willingness and aptitude for tasks, then the history and folkways of the organization and willingness to adjust when on the wrong turning side of the bell curve even though facts are presented clearly. 🙂

    1. I’m with you on this, GP.
      I’ve failed frequently and with siblings.
      Lost the battles, but I’ve not given up. The war goes on.

      *** The Final Battle ***
      Many battles lost
      But each loss brings us closer
      Ends in victory

      Copyright @ Eric Alagan, 2018

    1. Thank you, Onyango,
      I know this but somehow it disappeared to the back of my mind.
      Thank you, for bringing this thought to the fore. I needed the reminder,

      *** Clutter ***
      Shake, rattle, and roll
      Self, the biggest enemy
      Friend holds up mirror

      Copyright @ Eric Alagan, 2018

    1. Hello Joyce,
      People – myself included – can do with more humility.

      *** Awareness ***
      Knowing and doing
      People stop at awareness
      Marketeers to blame?

      Copyright @ Eric Alagan, 2018

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