BROTHER GRINN: Welcome to Radio Grinn.

BROTHER GRINN: Ladies and Laddies, we’re happy to report the sun did again rise in the east and is now travelling westward.

BROTHER GRINN: Yes, apparently Mr Sun is searching for something.

BROTHER GRINN: What could he be searching for, I ask.

BROTHER GRINN: You can ask that again, Brother Grinn.

BROTHER GRINN: What could he be searching for, I ask.

BROTHER GRINN: And he has been going round and round and round and round…

BROTHER GRINN: Like a hamster in a flywheel, Brother Grinn.

BROTHER GRINN: Repeating himself over and over and over and over…

BROTHER GRINN: Like humanity, Brother Grinn.

BROTHER GRINN: Yes, mistake after same mistake after same mistake…

BROTHER GRINN: Okay, we get the picture, Brother Grinn.

BROTHER GRINN: We? You’ve a hamster in your pocket, Brother Grinn?

BROTHER GRINN: No, Brother Grinn, but several fingers.

BROTHER GRINN: Aha! Playing ding-dong again, I see.

BROTHER GRINN: Pocket billiards, Brother Grinn.

BROTHER GRINN: Well, that’s all the news we have today, Ladies and Laddies.

BROTHER GRINN: What’s with the Ladies and Laddies, Brother Grinn?

BROTHER GRINN: Well, Brother Grinn, I thought of saying Ladies and Germs but that’ll offend our German friends!

BROTHER GRINN: Good thinking, Brother Grinn.

BROTHER GRINN: I agree, Brother Grinn. You should try that some time.

BROTHER GRINN: Saying Ladies and Germs?

BROTHER GRINN: Nope. Thinking.

BROTHER GRINN: I need to think about that, Brother Grinn. Let me get onto my flywheel. Helps me to think.

BROTHER GRINN: And the world goes round and round and round and…

And so continues another wisdom-filled nonsense.

BROTHER GRINN: Who was that, Brother Grinn?


BROTHER GRINN: You mean Eric?

BROTHER GRINN: Same difference, Brother Grinn.

I’m already regretting for having let you two loose.

BROTHERS GRINN (together): 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

*** Copyright @ Eric Alagan, 2017 ***

*** Join us next Saturday for more Brothers Grinn. Groan! ***


    1. BROTHER GRINN: Hello Ms Jane, we are happy to be welcomed back.
      BROTHER GRINN: Are you a boy, Brother Grinn?
      BROTHER GRINN: I dunno, Brother Grinn. How old are we?
      BROTHER GRINN: Ageless, I think, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Most cartoon characters are, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: I wanna reborn as a cartoon character, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: We are already yellow faces, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Nope, Brother Grinn, I meant cartoon character, not Native American.
      BROTHER GRINN: You speak with forked tongue, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: How did that phrase come about, Brother Grinn? I didn’t know Native Americans used forks.
      BROTHER GRINN: What did we use, Brother Grinn?
      BROTHER GRINN: Chopsticks, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Chopsticks, Brother Grinn?
      BROTHER GRINN: That’s deep, Brother Grinn. Historically deep.
      Smiley 11_11
      BROTHER GRINN: What’s with the blue paint, Brother Grinn?
      BROTHER GRINN: We’re in disguise, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: And the green feathers?
      BROTHER GRINN: The peacock is now naked, Brother Grinn.

    1. BROTHER GRINN: Hello, Ms Lauren.
      BROTHER GRINN: Hello, Ms Lauren.
      BROTHER GRINN: I said it first, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: No, I said it first, Brother Grinn.
      Silence! Neither one of you said it first.
      BROTHER GRINN: But-!
      BROTHER GRINN: But-!
      You both said ‘Hello’ and not ‘it’.
      Smiley 1_1
      BROTHER GRINN: I dislike him when he pulls that stunt on us.
      BROTHER GRINN: Me too!
      BROTHER GRINN: Yup! We two!

  1. Brothers Grinn are like the sun, bright, yellow and go round and round and round. God must be giddy since he created them. 😂

    1. BROTHER GRINN: Hello Ms Windy
      BROTHER GRINN: Yup! We’re god’s creatures, alright.
      BROTHER GRINN: He broke the mould after making us, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Yup! We’re two of a kind, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: But god does not know that I’ve been busy with the village maidens, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: There’ll be more of our kind, Brother Grinn?
      BROTHER GRINN: 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    1. BROTHER GRINN: Hello Mr Ian.
      BROTHER GRINN: We left OK Carrol many months ago.
      BROTHER GRINN: Yup, we sure did, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: He was not as OK as we figured, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Yup! Them beans and chillies gave us a whole lot of earps!
      BROTHER GRINN: You mean, burps, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Earps, burps, what does it matter, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Yup, Old Carrol was not OK for us.
      BROTHER GRINN: The darn place was too hot, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Mexican chillies have that reputation, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Burp!
      BROTHER GRINN: Earp!
      Smiley 5_1

    1. BROTHER GRINN: Hello Ms Willow. Welcome back, too.
      BROTHER GRINN: Hooray, I’m back!
      BROTHER GRINN: Hooray, I’m back too.
      BROTHER GRINN: Too, Brother Grinn?
      BROTHER GRINN: Two, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Hooray, we are back too!
      And so, they make their return.
      BROTHER GRINN: What was that, Brother Grinn?
      BROTHER GRINN: Some rumble from the sky, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: He’s back too, Brother Grinn?
      BROTHER GRINN: Yup, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Oops!

    1. BROTHER GRINN: Thank you, Ms Ina
      BROTHER GRINN: Garrison Killer, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Let’s not mess with him, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Yup! Sounds like a hard-boiled military type.
      BROTHER GRINN: He kills them by the garrison load, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Hard-boiled, you say, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Yup! He’s the one who got Humpty Dumpty.
      BROTHER GRINN: Here, have a drink on me, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Yup! Let’s be happy and keel over, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: We’re definitely drunk, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: We military types always are, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Hick!
      BROTHER GRINN: I’ll hick to that too, Brother Grinn. Hick!
      Smiley 8_1

    1. BROTHER GRINN: Why, thank you, Ms Joyce.
      BROTHER GRINN: They say laughter is the best medicine, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Were they sick, Brother Grinn?
      BROTHER GRINN: No, Brother Grinn, they are all dead now.
      BROTHER GRINN: They died laughing, huh?
      BROTHER GRINN: Who, Brother Grinn?
      BROTHER GRINN: They.
      BROTHER GRINN: They, Brother Grinn, They!
      BROTHER GRINN; Give me a straight answer or you will die laughing.
      BROTHER GRINN: Here, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: What’s this, a ruler, Brother Grinn.
      BROTHER GRINN: Yup, the answer is written on it. And it’s straight!
      BROTHER GRINN: Mr They, Mr Them and Mr Us, Brother Grinn?
      BROTHER GRINN: Yup, they all died laughing, Brother Grinn.

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