1. Hello Eric, this is Windy, in case WordPress calls me “Anonymous” again.

    That was a good giggle. The zebra reminds me of the gold fish – short term memory. It probably looks in the mirror and say “Well, he looks like me!”

  2. Boy, do I need a good giggle today ! Thanks.
    Especially like the politician one, maybe stick out a finger would do more justice than the tongue, ha, ha.

    1. Bad day at the office?
      Well, here hoping the rest of the week gets better, Jasey.
      As Brother Grinn would say – you want to “fing” the politicians. Careful now, that demented lot might actually like the “fing” 🙂
      Luv and hugz,

    2. The week did get better, Eric. Thanks so much for your concern.

      Oh yes, the famous Brothers Grinn, left you after they had their two publications, is it ? Just kidding. Only they know the politicians inside out.

    1. Hello Jane dear,
      Many thanks for your visit and comment.
      You and I put words into mouths of things and beings – or so, it seems 🙂
      All the best for 2016,

    1. Hello matey, Onyango
      Good to see you here. All’s well and I see that you’re still beating up the holly-wollies 🙂
      Have a great year ahead,

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