Even on the death bed, some cling to life.


Fear of the unknown?

Responsibility for things left undone?

Fear of giving up worldly possessions?

There is so much more to see, touch, feel, taste, hear – indulge?

Nothing to lose

Perhaps it is easier to give up that which is no more —

Is the fading of one’s faculties Nature’s way of preparing us for the inevitable?

What are your thoughts on this?


Tomorrow – Contributors’ Gallery

Lighthouse – 55 word Flash Fiction



  1. A Haiku reflection somewhat related to your post:

    Just watched ‘Eat, Pray, Love’:
    Come to terms with your divine self
    The balance lies within

    1. This is marvellous sharing, Prashant.

      Very truly said too – it all “lies within”

      I love this haiku – you should also post it on your blog so that your readers can enjoy and draw from it, as well.

      Peace, Eric

  2. My dad died quickly and suddenly. He was relatively young. We were unprepared. While my only consolation is that he left with little pain — so doctors tell us — the pain he’s left in us is colossal and eternal. I so wish he could experience the physical decline you mentioned before departing. At least that might have prepared him, and better prepared us. Still, he lives in my life each and every day until such time when I get to see him again.
    A wonderful post. I’ve been enjoying your writing.

    1. Oh dear, I’m very sorry if my post evoked painful memories, Vera. It was never my intention.

      Thank you for sharing so openly your thoughts and feelings – you honour and humble me with your words. Yes, many of us have lost our loved ones – both my parents have moved on – and we look forward to the wonderful reunion.

      Thank you for your visit, sharing and encouragement.

      All good thoughts from me to you and your loved ones,

    1. Hello, Que – congratulations for having landed this award 🙂

      Thank you also, for passing it on my way.

      Pardon me if I don’t go through the “process” as I simply don’t have the time. But so as not to diminish the thoughts of kind people who pass it on – I list all nominations in my Z-Awards Page > http://wp.me/P1YE83-Bx

      All good wishes,

  3. When the play is over, gracefully exit the stage. Unresolved issues can’t be “carried over” like a math problem. Better to leave it all behind us. ☼

    1. “math problem” – yup, definitely to be left behind 🙂

      On a more serious note – that’s a valid point – we do leave behind our earthly burdens. Thank you, for reminding – a silver lining for those who cling to life.

  4. Interesting. I could tell you all sorts of things about how I might or might not face death. There are times in my life when I have thought I was dying, each time a completely different experience. Truth is, since I have no particular religious or ideological prescription to conform my prediction to, I have no idea. It’s like trying to say how you might respond to any unknown experience. Maybe I’d find it fascinating. Maybe I’d cry and beg for one more hour. I’ll find out, I guess.

  5. It never ceases to amaze me how the majority of religions, except perhaps one, and people obsess over immortality. Why would anyone want to live forever? Paradise, Heaven, as described by some religions sounds boring to me. It will not bother me one bit to become fertilizer for trees, flowers, nature. Perhaps if I had been born a slave or in other extremely difficult circumstances, I would want another chance. Perhaps some part of us does live on, but it will greatly surprise me.

    1. Yes, as mentioned in one of my Fallen Grace episodes > http://wp.me/p1YE83-1cZ > one will see how bland heaven is – it is a joke what some religions promise. Compared to this, it would seem more worthwhile to fertilize flora.

      You are right and I agree, Juliana, about “second chances” – if the dice did not quite roll up the way we expected or hoped for, the first time.

      Peace, Eric

  6. Very beautiful poem, gripping. Fear of unknown and loneliness, as that’s the one thing we have to face alone. Nature tries to prepare us but leaving dear ones behind though we are dispensable. Its hard to practice detachment.

  7. This is one journey that we have to do it all alone and not a single person can tell us what he/she had ever experienced. Sometimes I feel we are like the “Reality Show” on TV for our creator to view and probably have a good laugh. But if we can amuse or frustrate our creator, why not. Having no control whatsoever of this ultimate destiny, I would just say : what will be, will be. So, let nature takes its course.

    1. Very true, Jasey dear.

      The Old Fella having a laugh? Hmmm — naughty, I reckon 🙂

      On a serious note – yes, a journey we have to make – alone.

      Luv and hugz,

  8. interesting Eric! your words & all others’ views are excellent!! your words make me put my point in a turn around manner, death when explained with life.this stretch of life…isnt it a meditation with senses striving to bloom each minute..finding harmony in struggles faced. life’s worth shines when comfort zone is torn each time, deliberated by selves. a desert traveller knows the real worth of a water droplet..he had died thousand deaths in his efforts, thoughts, emotions to quench his thirst..one more death of bodily shrivelling is just not an end to this diamond hard soul..which is ready for its journey once again. more than spiritual , the point here is everything’s a point, a dot , a circle, a cycle..of light & dark, of filled & vacuum , of the black hole & the white expanse. so what’s there to lose in a death, when its just a station & not destination..

    1. Wonderful thoughts, you expressed, Uma – I enjoyed your comment. Thank you.

      Many – yours truly included – would agree with your take that “death” to this world is a mere milestone in a journey.

      Peace, Eric

  9. a hard hitting thought Eric! Every soul shall have to severe the strong bonds before leaving..even if the work is done ..as our hands are not off untill we die… as we move forward , our past ,our work should remain a part of past and shouldn’t be carry forth , a string of attachment to ourselves,work,family,friends, fame everything holds us back to bid a smiling adieu… Remembering few lines …
    The world was there without us and will be there without us,for HE knows how to take care of us and of everyone behind! shall make us more easier to leave!

    1. Thank you Soumya – for your visit and comment. Those are interesting thoughts indeed.

      That quotation – yes, it continues no matter what and He knows best.

      Peace, Eric

  10. Dear Eric,

    Thank you once again for a thought-provoking poem. I pondered it and came up with this:

    Fading Light

    Agility, gone, replaced by
    Abilities, vanished, taken
    Faculties, absent, vanquished by
    Momentarily, a flicker; extinguished, such
    Nobility, once clutched, absconded by
    Inevitably, yes; now cloaked in

    Thank you for posting such a powerful poem. It has been a treat to read the thoughts of your followers.

    Take care,

    1. Dear Paul,

      As I mentioned in your blog post – truly this poem of yours captures the theme far better than my offering.

      We learn and encourage each other.

      Peace, Eric
      P/s Worth repeating – “Tranquility” – holds out enormous hope for all of us

  11. natural survival instinct. some have not made peace with themselves and have regrets, while others are ready, each person has their own way

  12. death and it’s final sting…Eric, We can all be full of belief, but at that last breath, I bet everyone would want to hold on to what’s known, in exchange for the unknown… Deep down I think we all fear that final step … to think we will not set foot on the earth, feel the cheek of a loved one, kiss and be kissed,,, Oh I do hope there’s light at the end of the tunnel…. or I want a refund 😉 A thought provoking post… xPenx

    1. Oh, Penny,

      There is definitely a glorious light at the end of the tunnel. Of this belief, I am unshakeable!

      Peace, Eric
      P/s A refund – yes, we should demand one from all the ones out there who equate salvation with how large a monetary contribution we make.

  13. Very well put for the emptiness one might feel by that time if that is a representation of all he/she lived, and lost. There is a favorite bible scripture of mine in the new testament that reads, “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Jesus’s words). The poem says it all I think of one lost, and in that state.

    1. That’s a different take on my post – “one lost and in that state”. I love these views as this is what I wanted to read – all the different views.
      Cheers, Eric
      P/s Yes, I’m aware of that New Testament quote.

    1. PS. More seriously: one point of view is (psychological) conditioning. There is no culture yet for joyful deaths. I agree with the post that it is ultimately an individual thing.

    1. I’m sorry if my post elicted such dark thoughts on a Monday, Madie – but I know where you’re coming from. I actually feel the same way – when it comes, it comes. Because, like you, I’m convinced I’m moving on to better things 🙂

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