You’ve seen the NatGeo documentaries on the fire ants. Under the bright sun, they remind me of Mongol warriors – relentless, awe inspiring.

Amazing insects and one can only imagine the terror they spread when they are on the march.

Golden Horde

I wonder if there is a lesson in this for us humans.

What do you reckon?



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  1. Ants are an industrious lot but like most insects that come in hordes, they can be life threatening – seen somewhere that they can kill an elephant when they launch an attack.
    There is power in group as long as we also have the unity, discipline and cooperation which these insects seem to display whether ants or bees or crickets, etc. Probably human’s urge to be on top make it difficult for us.
    Be careful the ants are chewing up your post, Eric.. LOL.

    1. Hello Jasey – yes, as a group we can accomplish much. But therein lies the challenge – many think they have the skills for that one position. It is good to challenge for it I reckon, as it throws up the best. But in reality, the best does not always get the job.

      In Singapore, we speak much about meritocracy but in reality it is the best from a pre selected group – not the best from the whole country. The world does not see it and is continued to be mesmerized by the hype and glossy reports.

      These are virtual ants chewing up my virtual frame 🙂

  2. As ants are highly developed social insects, so too, men and women are social creatures. We need each other to survive, and there is strength in numbers. Beyond that, the incessant motion, activity and “busy-ness” are also needed for survival. That’s what I gathered from “The Golden Horde”. A post flush with wisdom, Eric. Peace, Dee

  3. It seems quite a few people (from your comments) have had unfortunate experiences with these amazing insects (as have I – from Florida). Your poem is “right on” Eric. Survival is a natural instinct in all species. Civilization (using the word as seen in its most favorable light) by it’s very existence, does tend to confuse the natural state of survival, I think!

    1. Hello Penny – yes, it seems so.

      Though bitten silly many times, ants never bothered me. But many years ago, my pet puppy was whinning away. After several minutes of trying to pacify him – snacks, drinks, cuddles – nothing worked. I carefully checked his paws – there, two red ants between his poor pink toes. That was the first time, I really got annoyed with ants.

      What you said about ‘civilization’ is quite thought provoking. I need to reflect on this. I don’t want to sound all-knowing, but not many comments have this effect on me. Many thanks.

      All good wishes Penny,

  4. I have yet to verify this, but I was told that if all the ants in the world (This planet Earth if you are visiting), were brought together and weighed, (Assuming they would cooperate), they would weigh as much as all the humans on earth.

    1. Yes, I came across something similar. The person who came up with this idea is pretty shrewd, I reckon. Thank you Ron for contributing. Cheers, Eric

  5. I reckon we’re just the opposite… so many are only for themselves; there is no one goal, no single destination, no desire to sacrifice for the whole. We will destroy ourselves, and the ants will take our place.

    1. Wow! You are right about “many are only for themselves”. We all treasure the rare and pleasant surprises.

      Have a good one Steve,
      — Eric —

  6. I remember watching a documentary that showed ants working together to cross water. I contrasted this with my own experience of “team-building” activities. It’s slightly shaming.

  7. Powerfully stated, Eric.Your words evoke battlefields and the hordes of the dead upon which nations are built. Hopefully, unlike the ants, we remember the sacrifices of those who have given their lives so that we might live.

    1. Yes, that is a fervent hope for most of us.

      I wonder whether ants have collective memory – humans certainly behave as if they don’t as they merrily go in circles.

      All good wishes Peg,

  8. I’ve had a healthy respect for ants since I was 5…we’d just arrived in the Philipines and there was an army ant hill behind the house…I thought it was neat to have ahill in the yard and ran up it…that has left a “burning” memory in my mind…your poem seem to paint the right picture…mongolian warriors…yes.

  9. E.O. Wilson would be proud. He’s voiced the same sentiments and observations.
    Say, Eric, I’ve succeeded (almost) in putting my serialized stories into correct order on WordPress. I created a new Story of the P’s category and copied the posts into it starting from Chapter I. It can be done!

      1. Try yesterday’s post the Story of the P’s, and then it should read correctly from there. I added the second chapter as part of the post and then left links to click at the bottom of the page for successive chapters, but I could copy the successive chapters and keep adding them to the original post. There’s also a Category in the Library called Story of P’s Chapters 1 thru 22.

  10. Beautiful poetry Eric, oh if we only open our senses and let our ‘antennas’ not assumptions guide us,it will do us a good.

    although must admit the moment someone mentions red ants, i get shudders. once a big Red ant nest( made of leaves on mango tree) fell right on my head, when I and other monkeys like me were trying to shake mangoes off the tree, a very wise move which cost me dearly. those agonising moments when my friends were trying to get the red ants off me, and then there was one smart ass who thought it would be wise to kill them by squishing them one by one while they were still walking on me…

    1. Hellp Soma dear, you are right in what you say.

      I can’t help but chuckle a little at your “mango story” as it reminded me of the naughties reminiscent of Mechanic Leigh. It comes across as funny now but am sure it was not the case back then. I hope the mangoes were sweet.

      I climbed a guava tree once, happily munching into the tasty fruit when I noticed a thick stream of red ants moving up and down. Many got onto my body and I came down (more like slided down) real fast – all the while going “ouch – ouch – ouch” from the ant stings and the branches digging into my flesh as they snapped. Of course, more pain when I had to take my bath 🙁

      Yup, funny now but not back then!

      Peace and blessings,

  11. At the rate humans are not progressing, they will definitely be here long after we are gone. By the way, I really appreciate your following my blog and commenting.

  12. Their survival instinct. The desire to fight against odds and come out victorious, despite losing many of their comrades in the process.

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