1. Wonderful, how Nature will teach us and cushion our falls even when we are not playing close attention! I love this post, Eric. So like your optimistic and playful self!

    1. This is stupendous – a 3-in-1. Obviously many love your blog for you to have earned so many awards from fellow bloggers.

      Thank you kindly for nominating me so. This is somewhat overwhelming 🙂

      – Eric

      1. Heh. Thank you. You’re comment made me smile. I’m happy that so many people like visiting my blog. Enjoy the awards Eric. :),

        Happy blogging.

    1. Dear Soma,
      Congratulations on having landed these awards. I always feel that it is an honour to be recognised by one’s peers. In this regards, I thank you deeply and shall get round to posting these when I catch some time.
      All good wishes, Eric 🙂
      P/s Incidentally, some expatriate Indians in Singapore organised a Holi event but I missed it – read about it in the papers a day later. Well, next year…

  2. We are ever so guilty of everything said, (stepping, ignoring, discarding, abusing and many more.) Yet she had not given up on us – waiting patiently to teach and to embrace her beauty. Oh dear – time to reflect again….

    1. Good one Ian 🙂

      So do we get to read of the pranks you guys were upto as kids – bet they were quite similar to what Mechanic Leigh and his cohort pulled off…

    1. You know Jeannie, your comment brought out a smile.

      “…and that is the truth of it…” fullstop!

      Reminded me of a school teacher I once knew. One of the few nice ones, if I might add.

      Luv and peace, Eric 🙂

    1. Thank you for this compliment and wonderful award. It is always an honour to receive recognition from peers 🙂

      Congratulations to you for having landed this award 🙂

      – Eric

      P/s Just to be on the safe side, I posted a comment in your blog – if it does not come through, do check your spam folder.

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